Friday, July 15, 2005

I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes focused to read my magazine. They want to blur, then shut. I think there are still three or four stops before Aioi. It’s 4am in Seattle now. I think I was awake by 6am this/yesterday morning so I’m getting close to 24 hours awake. I was too wired-feeling on the plane to sleep. I think I was up by shortly after 5am after going to bed at 2am the night before. I wonder that it must be really overcast – it’s very dark out –I didn’t think Japan was at a different enough latitude to have a noticeably shorter day. I finally saw the snack lady come back through the train to close up her cart. I may cry. Not really, but holy mother of Jesus I could use some juice. Which seems slightly odd as I drank an absurd amount on the plane. But I’m not a camel and I understand that they don’t store water, not really

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