Wednesday, July 20, 2005

10:00am:I just hopped on the train Alex told me not to take because it would be slow. However it seemed the surest and I don’t mind slow as it will give me more time to watch out the train window. The local trains aren’t as new/modern as the shinkansen. They remind me of the subway in New York. This one has something I hadn’t noticed in other trains we’ve taken which is a rotating/angled fan in the ceiling. It’s not air conditioning but it does feel quite nice. There was supposed to be a faster trin in 20 minutes but I wasn’t sure if I was on the right track so taking the train right here right now saying “For Nara” on the front and on each car seemed preferable. I also feel reassured as I see two women who look as touristy as I do sitting on the bench across from me. I look more lost I expect but they are flipping through guidebooks. I think I win. The other day in Kyoto subway stations I saw a number of what looked like wanted posters featuring three people. A photograph of each as well. Side note: the aboveground trains all have adjustable shades to block out the sun somewhat. Especially this time of year it’s a very good idea, but it makes it more difficult to read the station signs. But back to the wanted posters. I asked if that’s what they were and was told that they are because these people released Sarin in the train. Just as I’m starting to freak out a bit they go on to explain that these posteres are for the Sarin attack ten or so years ago – Irecall seeing US news coverage of the event. They have never been caught in that time but the posters are still up. I recall that the ones I saw looked brand new. Alex mentioned that even when he spent two weeks in China at any point he would have recognized any of those three people (two men and a woman) at a glance – he’s seen those images so often. I glanced again at the tourist women across from me; their books appear to be in German. Two things to remember: 1) Put on sunscreen when I get to Nara. Apparently, per Alex, people in Japan rarely use sunscreen. It looks like the women rely more on umbrellas when they want to avoid the sun. 2) I want to ask Alex for Akemi’s address to send a thank you gift. Come to think of it, I’d like to send one to Alex too so I can include it with his. I just moved to a seat where I can see out the door and can try to catch the station names as they go by. Something else I’ve seen that I like is a few women wearing over the elbow gloves, some fingerless and some not. I assume these are also for avoiding the sun but will try to ask Alex to make sure.

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